My name is Marjo Hagoort. I live in a town in the neighborhood of Amersfoort in the centre of Holland. In 1982 I started working a a dog handler with a Gammel Dansk Hønsehund and in 1984 I got my first Small Munsterlander.
With my former partner Jos, I bred my first litter of Small Munsterlander pups under the name “van het Fort ‘t Hemeltje” in 1988. Nowadays I don't breed anymore
I am the proud owner of two male dogs: Larcchan vom Forstweg, (born 11.01.2009) and his son Lijov II aus der Wolfskammer (born 14.10.2015). Both are bred in Germany and come from superior breeding known as "Auslesezucht". Lijov is available as stud for suitable dogs.

In daily life I work as a dietitian in a psychiatric hospital. In my spare time I am a hunter (I have a Dutch hunting license since 1990 and a German hunting license since 2010) , a doghandler (training, tests and practice - I do tests in as well as in my own country as in foreign countries) and a licened trainer of (hunting) dogs. I am also active in the organization of Dutch Hunting Tests.
Besides that I have several other hobbies such as photography.